My Pledges
MAKING THE FOSSEWAY SAFER- pushing to replace the Pelican crossing by the library with a traffic light crossing;
looking to extend the 20mph zone to before the hospital and beyond the railway bridge.
SECURING INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS- ensuring that any new housing is properly scrutinised; contributions from developers put towards local infrastructure.
BOOSTING PRIDE IN OUR HIGH STREET- cleaning up our streets and street furniture; working to develop a long-term solution to parking; develop a high street business forum.
Hello, I’m Daryl and I love Moreton and the surrounding villages. Residents’ genuine requirements and concerns need someone who cares, listens to them and will go the extra mile to get it for them. It’s just talk until someone gets it done which I’ve been doing working in Marketing and Advertising for the past 20 years solving problems for organisations across the world. I have worked on anti-knife and gun crime initiatives for other councils and spent many years working with the RSPCA, Samaritans, Make Poverty History and on Red Nose Day. Solving real problems for real people in Moreton and seeing them through is what matters to me, and I hope I can use my experience and get the opportunity to do that for you. Some of the issues I’m passionate about are getting the right resources, getting the right infrastructure in place, getting the right type of homes for the people of Moreton, creating social venues and of course, road safety. I’m currently pushing for a genuine Government study to look at replacing a dangerous crossing with a traffic light system. I have been active in pushing for a proper footpath along the Fosseway too, where so many of us know it is needed. I have a structured and considered plan to make Moreton an even better place, and I do hope that you will give me the chance and opportunity to work really hard and most importantly, deliver on your behalf.